The Dos and Don’ts of Doing it Yourself
A conversation between way2wavybaby and Chango4
"Buffalo is home to a wide range of artists finding ways on their own and with their friends to achieve what they want in their careers. Whether flying solo or as part of a tight knit group of creators, Buffalo’s artists are doing all they can to get their work into the world — and all without the assistance of big institutions with big money. This recent conversation with my creative partner Chango4 spotlights some of the ups and downs facing Buffalo’s emerging DIY artists."
Privatizing Childhood: Nostalgia, anti-capitalist survival, and the inner child in Kid’s Table
written by Kit Xiong for Cornelia Magazine
"If commodity capitalism is about the perpetual production and sale of objects and images through mechanical reproduction—a production technique that Marxist literary scholar Walter Benjamin linked to the proliferation of voluntary memory and claimed “reduces the scope for the play of the imagination”—how is it that the commodity form has provided such fertile ground for Cortes’s and wavy’s art? And do Cortes’s and wavy’s nostalgic commodities interrupt or reinforce the rhetoric of capitalist production?"
way2wavybaby & chango4 Break on Thru to Planet 9
"If it feels like the ground is moving beneath our feet that’s because it is, and way2wavybaby and Chango4 are part of this seismic shift."
The Local Lo Down: way2wavybaby
Broadcasted on WCVF 88.9 FM and WDVL 89.5 WEB and released on youtube
The Local Lo-Down is one of our legacy shows at Fredonia Radio Systems which has been running since 2012. This show is devoted to promoting and showcasing local musicians and industry professionals in the Fredonia and WNY area through interviews and performances. Our episode this week showcases way2wavybaby!